Thursday, February 4, 2010

Fitness Program

Part of the Wambana fitness curriculum is too wake up early every morning and run 3.4 or 5.5 kilometres. However some days we are set small fitness activity or larger runs such as the 9.2 kilometre or the horrendous 11 kilometre beach run.

Thursday 4th February-

3.4 kilometre run.
14:49 Minutes
The 3.4 kilometre run, begins at the Wambana Shed continues down the esplanade all the way to the road crossing and then back. The track is very difficult as there are many hills and tracks to run through. Thursday's was very tiring, since everyone was exhausted from the cycle expedition. My legs were stiff and i found it hard to keep a constant pace. I managed to keep next to Michael Zhao the whole way. The finish was such a relief, after the agonising first long run of the camp. But we weren't over yet, Dale forced us to complete 100 push ups and 100 sit ups just as we finished hydrating. We finally finished everything, put our mats back and ran off to our Wardlis for brekky. Something that I would improve for next time, would be getting a fastest start.

Friday 5th February-

5.5 kilometre run.
Since we were not yet use to the large runs in the morning, everyone was yet again aching. Even worse was that Friday's run was a 5.5 kilometre. Hugh, Lachy, Michael and I ran together at a steady pace all the way to the Jetty up the road. On the way back however, a painful stitch occurred. I struggled to run, so i had walk back about 1km from the end. The stitch was horrible and even occurred when i was walking. Michael hung back with me to give me some company. When we arrived at the shed, Dale gave me a few tips on how to avoid getting stitches. Such as keeping a constant breathing pattern.

Saturday 6th February-

Fitness training-
Soccer/mini games.
After our large runs, Dale gave us a break and let us play a small match off soccer with a few rule changes. Such as making everyone have to cross the halfway mark depending on what side the ball is to keep everyone moving.

Sunday 7th February-

3.4 kilometre run.
14:29 Minutes
Today's run i worked myself a lot harder trying to keep a steady lead at the start hoping it would lower my time. No one was beside me so i had to try and focus on something else. I tried to stay relaxed and look at the view of the sea. Dale's tip worked and keeping that constant breathing pattern helped myself also run a lot faster. Thankfully having yesterday free from long runs, i gained a lot of energy over the night helping myself proceed further. This run seemed far more easier than the others but it still needed a strong effort to complete. My goal for the next 3.4 km run is to lower my time under 14 minutes.

Monday 8th February-

5.5 kilometre run.
23:35 Minutes
Before we even started i could feel the stitch ready to pull me back. But by listening to Dale's tip yet again, the stitch never came. It also helped me push through to the end because i was too focused on the stitch coming that i didn't notice how tired i was. My time obviously improve seeing as i did not stop from a stitch. What i would like to improve for next time would be, being able to work at a faster pace up the hill after the jetty.

Tuesday 9th February-

Fitness training-
Soccer/mini games
Once again we had a break from the run and enjoyed another match of soccer. We first began with touch Gaelic Football but because no one was putting any effort into the game we had to switch back over to soccer. I enjoyed the soccer game very much until i scored a goal and pulled my back out. I was very annoyed about it but hopefully after a few days rest it should be ready for the long runs along the beach.

Thursday 10th February-

9.2 kilometre run.
54:10 minutes
After Wednesday's fitness break, everyone was ready for the agonising 9.2. A few people decided to take another run that was a little shorter, starting at the shed along the beach to Flaherty Beach and then back. For the others, including myself we headed along Savio Rd to complete the 9.2 kilometre. For the first 6 kilometres, Dale told us to stay as a group until we reach the beach. In a way this made it more enjoyable as we did not need to push ourselves to our maximum pace. We finally reach the beach with everyone together as a group. Myself and a few others continued along the beach towards the camp site while a few walked and took it easy. We later passed the shorter run group, and then headed off down the dirt path. This was the most difficult part. The sand was soft from the rain and the track was very hilly. I found it hard but i soon made it back to the shed.

Friday 12th February-

Fitness training-
Mini games-
After our excruciating 9.2 kilometre run, we enjoyed a break with a few fitness games with Bairdy. First off to warm up, we ran around the oval a couple of times in Indian File while the back person ran to the front and than the person behind him followed, with all of us continuing to the front until the original person was at the back. After a few laps of warming up, we got stuck into the mini games. First game was called crust and crumbs, where you stand on the middle line and when your group name is called you have to run passed another line a few metres behind without getting caught by your opponent. If you do you have to sit out until everyone has be caught. Our next game was called Chain Dodgeball. One wardli stands behind one another holding each others shoulders in a rectangular perimeter. While the other wardlis stand out side of the rectangle and try to hit the person on the back of the chain. Once everyone is hit your time stops. The wardli with the longest time wins. Everyone one enjoyed this game very much, so we continued to play it for a majority of the time. Our last game that finished very shortly after we started because of all the time playing Dodgeball was called Keep it Off. This was a very simple but fun game. There were two teams, and which ever team past it ten times got 1 point, unless they dropped the ball or it was intercepted. Then the other team would begin to try and score 1 point or more. It ended up being very one sided since one team just continued to run with the ball and pass it when no opponents were near them. Fitness time suddenly ended and we headed back to our wardlis.
Saturday 13th February-
3.4 kilometre run.
14.12 minutes
Yet again we got up at 6:30 ready for the 3.4 kilometre run. I felt very use to the long runs in the morning, that i didn't feel like i couldn't be bothered. After the 9.2 kilometre run, this run seemed to finish so quickly. I believe my time was slower because i was not focusing on keeping a constant breathing pattern. I never realised how much energy you could conserve by running with a good breathing technique. I finally arrived back at the shed and helped encourage those who were still running.
Sunday 14th February-
5.5 kilometre run.
Today's run, i felt i could work a little harder. For the first half Duthy, Michael and I stuck together all the way to the jetty, trying to keep a strong head start. The first half is always hard work since you are still not fully ready for the painful run. On the way back I found a steady rhythm and headed of down the road gaining distance. By the end of the run i felt really good about myself because i pushed my hardest to beat my old time.
Monday 15th February-
Power fitness training-
Because of my unfortunate back injury i was incapable of sprinting in soft sand. Instead James who was also injured and I tried to complete 200 sit ups and 200 push ups. We both succeeded so while we waited we tried a few of our own work outs.
Thursday 18th February-
Bush run-
5.45 Moff made us get up at! It was still dark and everyone was half asleep. We dragged our bodies into the bus and set off down the road for our 7-9 kilometre bush run. By the time we reached our destination the suns light was starting to brighten the sky. Moff drove off a head down the bumpy dirt track to wait for us near the end. We later followed down the path in the freezing breeze. Steery, Duthy and I, raced off ahead trying to track down where Moff was waiting. Only ten minutes later, we noticed the bus a couple hundred metres down the road. Moff was unsure which track to turn down. He finally made up his mind and went right down the wider stretch. Mr Steer and I raced down the track hoping we took the right root. Around a sharp corner we ran straight into Moff looking very confused at his map. He had absolutely no idea where we were. We picked up all the students and followed the path we came from. We made it back to the start and suddenly Moff noticed another path 5 metres down the road. He seemed very embarrassed that he missed the track but we all laughed and headed back to Wambana for an early breakfast.
Friday 19th February-
Fitness Training-
Mini Games-
Yet again Mr Baird took as for sport. First off was a game where we had to carry our Wardli members to the line with out dropping them. First Wardli group to get everyone over one. Even though this game was quite simple, i enjoyed it. Next game was Keep it Off. This time though we played it so that you could only step once. This new rule made the game a lot faster, got everyone more involved and made the scoring a lot closer. After our close and intense match of Keep It Off, we tried a new game. There were two teams standing on each base line, and in the middle were 6 balls. Two basketballs, Two net balls and two soccer balls. The aim of the game was to get the ball past the opposite base line. Although with the basketballs you had to pass them, the net balls you had to tap them along the ground while with the soccer balls you had to kick them. Many people found this a bit confusing but we soon got the hang of it. Just to finish the day off with a bit of fun we played British Bulldogs! But instead injuring each other by tackling we played by lifting the runner off the ground for around three seconds. Everyone had a lot of fun so we insisted Bairdy to let us play it through Breakfast time.
Saturday 20th February-
5.5 Kilometre run
After a couple days without any major runs we were all eager to get back on the track and complete a 5.5 kilometre run. I tried to work my hardest today, seeing as I wasn't feeling as tired as usual. I began pushing myself up the hills instead of taking them easily. My legs didn't seem to hurt as much as usual so i began pushing even harder. On way back I tried keeping a constant speed which was a tad faster than what i used to run at. By the end of the run
I was glad it was over and glad I improved my time.
Sunday 21st February-
3.4 Kilometre run
After our first run for a while my legs were feeling a bit tired. But I tried to forget about it and focus on the run. I ran beside Michael for most of the way. We both worked our hardest all the way to the turn off and then on the way back still tried to keep a fast pace. By the end of the run I was absolutely stuffed. We finally finished our last long run before the dreadful 11 kilometre beach run.
Monday 22nd February-
Power Training / Surfing Pack
Today's fitness was mainly packing for Group 1's surfing trip. We moved everything out of shed so we could bring the trailer with the boards out ready for the big day ahead. After the surfing equipment was pack and ready we had a quite Power Training with Dale. First we went for a short jog up to the class room and back to warm up. After we were already for Power Training we grabbed a ball each. We began doing push ups with our toes sitting on the top of our ball. This made it a struggle to complete the push ups because it put a lot more weight on our arms and we also had to use our stomach muscle to keep our balance. After 50 push ups or so we moved onto some cone work. All we needed to do was weave within and out of the cones placed for 10 minutes. That ended very shortly and we headed back to our Wardlis for breakfast.
Tuesday 23rd February-
British Bulldogs-
Today was our last fitness before the 11 kilometre beach run. Instead of working our hardest to complete a 5.5, we took a break and enjoyed a game of British Bulldogs. The game started off very slowly with not one person getting it. But after a few rounds the amount of taggers started to build up. Time after time we ran through weaving around the taggers to the other side. Finally it was only Michael, Andy and I left. Yet again we ran through hoping not to get caught. Unfortunately Michael was caught and it was only Andy and I to run through. We both struggled to get through, pushing past the taggers and trying to make it to the other side. The game was nearly over. Andy had been caught and it was me against the class. I ran as fast as I could jumping over the taggers, and forcing my way to the other side. I some how made it! Although I then had to run back. I was soon grabbed by one of the taggers. I worked my way to the other side with many people trying to hold me back. They all finally got a strong grip and lifted me out of the air. Hugh's shirt was ripped during the game but luckily it was only his work T-shirt. After the Brutal game we headed back to our Wardlis to get ready for surfing.
Wednesday 24th February-
11 Kilometre Beach Run!!!
We were all up at 6 stretching and getting ready for the humongous run ahead. I was unsure that I would finish the whole run because I cut the top of my toe off during surfing the day before. It was very bruised and swollen but I tried to forget about it and focus on the run. We gradually hopped on the bus and set off towards Hardwicke Bay where the start of the race was. Before we started we had a few minutes to stretch. Myself and a few others challenged Dale. Who ever had the slower time had to sleep outside. This made me very determined to beat Dale and it also made me run faster. The run started! We all head towards Wambana, which you could see in the distance. We were allowed to cut across the shallow water to gain some distance, but most of the people who tried, failed and were at the back of the pack. I tried a small short cut through the rocky ground but I didn't seem to gained or lose any distance, so I decided just to keep to the sand. For the first kilometre I ran beside Hugh. I could feel the pain from my toe every step. It soon became numb and I continued down the beach. Hugh sped up quite a few metres in front. I thought about staying behind while he ran ahead but I tried my hardest and caught back up to him and ran ahead. 5 kilometres into the run I could feel a strong stitch occurring in my stomach. I tried to push through it and gain as much distance before having to stop. I sat down so that the stitch would go away. I waited till Hugh caught back up and then I continued down the beach. Unfortunately Hugh had the same problem and also stopped when he reach me. Another four hundred metres down that beach the stitch started to come again. This time I took a longer break hoping it would go away. Once Daniel made it to me I sped back up in front. He too got the painful stitch and pulled out. The stitch was still there so I walked for 100 metres till my enemy Dale who was now second caught up. I ran as far ahead of him as I could to make sure I wouldn't lose my bet. The stitch had gone and I could see Wambana getting closer. Even though you could see it, for some reason it seemed that we weren't gaining any distance. This made the run fill terribly long and hard. We finally reach the dreaded 'Sand Track'. It was the last stretch of the run and it was hilly, bumpy and very very soft. My steps suddenly became very slow and short. Dale said earlier that this was his worst part of the run, so I hoped that he didn't catch up. I had many earges to stop running and walk but I tried not too after coming all this way. Suddenly through the bushes I saw the shed. Finally it was nearly over! I yelled out in relief that the agonising 11 kilometre beach run was finally over. I felt glad that I completed the run on under 1 hour. Out of no where Duffy came in second beating runners including Dale on the Sand Track. We stood at the shed and watch Dale with a smile on our faces as he came in annoyed that we won the bet. Duffy and I ran all the way back to the last runners to help them finish. The run was over and none of us had to think about it anymore.


  1. Hi Henry,
    Please look after your injured back. Don't push yourself too hard (remember the physio exercises!)
    Missing you, Love M, D and I

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey!
    Yes it has been fine since this morning!
    I pulled it out during soccer when i was running with the ball and kicked it into the goals. It's quite bad but i think after a couple days rest and it will be fine! Im so annoyed though! i put deep heat on it and im taking it easy!

  4. Hi Hen Thanks for the birthday letter! Dont push yourself if your back is bad-not worth it! Miss you Mum
