Thursday, February 4, 2010

History Tour 2

Today was our turn to go on the interesting and engaging history tour 2 with Moff. Our first destination was the small local museum of Warooka. It may have been a small house, but there were thousands of many interested facts and objects that were used back when Warooka was first established. Moff went from telling us his unusual stories about an albino murderer killing innocent people, to how the phone lines work. There were guns, swords, books, old gas masks and every ones favourite the old telephone! It sounds weird that everyone enjoyed fiddling with an old telephone. But not when you were able to give someone an electric shock with it. Someone would hold both of the wires while the other person would wined the telephone and press the button to zap them. It was very hilarious to see how the person reacted when they were zapped. We continued through the small museum listening to Moffs interesting stories. We reached the backyard where there were large farm machines and an old out house for prisoners. Moff as a joke locked Duthy and I inside to make us feel like the prisoners. No light could get in apart from the small hole in the door that was used to pass the prisoners food through. We reached the back shed where we were all aloud to explore the large, old machines. I learnt many strange ways people lived back then just by walking through the house. Such as what they wore, how they kept there food cold and stored. Even how tall they were by looking at the size of the doors.
After our vigorous look through the interesting museum, we left to me some people who were 'dying' to see us, according to Moff. We arrived in the middle of nowhere. No one could see a house where the people were waiting and everyone seemed very confused. Then it occurred to everyone that there was a cemetery a few metres down a path. We all looked at Moff as he walked down the path grinning about his lame joke. We were then able to meet the people who were waiting for us. They didn't seem to reply to us and seemed to all be hiding under a tombstone..... After our pointless talk to the dead people in their graves, we went around the cemetery reading the tombstones. Moff yet again told us a few stories, and mentioned the small grave the was about 2o metres away from the other and was perpendicular to the rest. Apparently you would become cursed if you walked near it. But knowing Charlie, he walked over to the grave. Moff then blamed Charlie for the rest of the day whenever something bad happened.
On the way to our next destination, we quickly stopped of at a large mulberry tree. The berries were amazing! We all scoffed down as many mulberries as we could before having to leave. The berries were very juicy and stained nearly everyone's clothes. We jumped back on the bus with mulberry stains on our hands and mouth making us look like vampires that just ate someone.
We continued down the road and noticed a large, dangerous bull in one of the paddocks. Duthy and I jumped of the bus to get a closer look. Moff sped off 300 metres or so down the road, yet again to tease. Unfortunately Duthy and I were both wearing bright red shirts. The bull noticed us and started to move quickly towards the fence. It was by far the largest and scariest bull we both had ever seen. In soon came to close that we had to run to the bus for safety.
We finally stopped of at an old farm where a lady was murdered by the albino that Moff was talking about. We saw Annie's grave and many unusual tools. It was quite creepy but interesting. We had a look through all the rooms, where they lived as well as the animal barns. There were many old carts that quite a few of us were interested in. After we had all had a detailed look at everything, Moff took us past the house where the albino lived and then we headed off back to Warooka.

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